Department of Psychology and Counseling

Head of Department

Dr. Brandon Awbrey
HSU Box 16115


Brandon Awbrey, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Stephen Cook, Ph.D., Professor
Thomas V. Copeland, Jr., Ed.D., Professor
Randall J. Maurer, Ph.D., Professor
Adachukwu (Ada) Chinelo Uzondu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor


The coursework offered in psychology has three main objectives: (1) to contribute to the liberal or general education of the student; (2) to aid in the professional preparation of the student in such areas as counseling, social work, the ministry, and teaching; (3) to give basic preparation to those expecting to make psychology their profession.

The psychology major is available for the Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, and Bachelor of Behavioral Science degree plans. Although the major courses are the same for both, the general degree requirements differ, giving students flexibility in their studies. The Bachelor of Science degree requires more credits in science and math. The Bachelor of Arts program requires a foreign language which is useful for advanced degree programs. The Bachelor of Behavioral Science requires more credits in the social sciences and is useful for students seeking a greater breadth in these areas. Students can choose to complete the coursework for both psychology and social work in one BS degree program.

A student who majors in psychology with the intention of entering into a field like counseling, teaching, research, psychological testing, or occupational therapy should plan to continue work in a graduate school to obtain a master’s degree. In many cases the Ph.D. is required if one expects to reach the higher levels of employment. Students wishing to pursue advanced degrees should consult catalogs from various graduate schools to acquaint themselves with admission requirements. Many of our psychology majors continue their graduate studies within our graduate program in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.

Technological Competency

The department accepts Psychology 4335.