Academic Programs and Policies

Undergraduate curriculum at Hardin-Simmons University incorporates four elements designed to equip conscientious students to experience life to the fullest as educated adults:

  • The Foundational Curriculum (See below; minimum of 45 credits);
  • The Major: focused, in-depth study in one area chosen by the student (Consult academic area of catalog for specific course requirements; minimum 30 credits);
  • The Minor: further concentrated study but in the student’s secondary choice of specialized study (Consult academic area of catalog for specific course requirements; minimum 18 credits);
  • Electives: opportunities to delve into areas outside the major and minor. (Vary according to degree. NOTE: Education Certification hours usually replace elective choices in the degrees of those students accepted into HSU’s teacher preparation program).

A fifth component, The Capstone Experience is a part of most majors at HSU and offers an overview of the knowledge expected of graduating students in a particular major as well as discussion of employment and graduate school opportunities. (Usually one course, 1 - 3 credits.)

The Foundational Curriculum

The mission of Hardin-Simmons University is to be a community dedicated to providing excellence in education enlightened by Christian faith and values.

In conjunction with its undergraduate major and minor programs HSU's Foundational Curriculum seeks to:

  • Foster the intellectual development of students, and
  • Affirm the relevance and importance of the Christian faith.

Graduates are expected to achieve:

  • Competency in Oral and Written Communication: Graduates will demonstrate college-level ability to communicate ideas in writing and speaking.
  • Competency in the Humanities: Graduates should have a well-developed understanding of the historical and cultural nature of human experience, thought, expression, and critique.
  • Competency in Social Science: Graduates should have a thorough grounding in the theory, method, and results of science as applied to ourselves and our social institutions.
  • Competency in Natural Science: Graduates should be able to demonstrate an understanding of basic scientific concepts as applied to biological and physical systems.
  • Competency in Mathematics: Graduates are expected to apply effective analytic and quantitative skills.        
  • Competency in Physical Wellness: Graduates should be able to apply wellness principles and demonstrate appropriate psychomotor skills through participation in physical activities.

The Foundational Curriculum Courses

Requirements of the Foundational Curriculum


Oral and Written Communication (9 credit hours)

Speech Communication (3 credit hours; 1 course)

  COMM 1301 Speech Communication

Written Communication (6 credit hours; 2 courses)

  ENGL 1301 Freshman Writing I

  ENGL 1302 Freshman Writing II

  ENGL 3300 Writing as Discovery

Humanities (18 credit hours)

History and/or Philosophy (6 credit hours; 2 courses)

Sophomore Literature (3 credit hours; 1 course)

  ENGL 2300 Literature Survey

 Fine Arts (3 credits hours)

  Art, Music, or Theatre

Biblical/Christian Studies (6 credit hours; 2 courses)

  BIBL 1301 Old Testament Survey

BIBL 1302 New Testament Survey

RELI 2345 The Religious & Philosophical Life

Social Sciences (6 credit hours)

Economics, Political Science, Psychology, and/or Sociology (6 credit hours; 2 courses)

Natural Sciences (7 credit hours)

2 different fields with 1 lab from BIOL, ENVS, CHEM, PHYS, ENVS

Mathematics (3 credit hours)

Math course as required by major (3credit hours; 1 course)

Physical Wellness (2 credit hours)

KINE 1170 Wellness for Life (1 credit hour; 1 course)

KINE activity course (1 credit hour; 1 course - may include varsity sport, drill team, Cowboy Band, and choreography)



International Studies Program

Recognizing the educational value of exposure to and learning in different cultures, HSU offers a variety of academic opportunities to enhance students’ educational experience through study and travel in selected foreign countries. Financial aid is available. University credit may be earned in the following:

  1. The London Semester Program provides an exciting opportunity for students to live and study in the heart of London, England. The program is operated in partnership with University of Mary Hardin-Baylor with both schools sending students and faculty for a semester long intensive study experience. Local British faculties and American professors give students the benefit of native knowledge, and the experience of life and culture in England. Students and faculty live in university housing in central London. A coach trip to northern England, Scotland, Wales, and the Lake District along with weekend side trips to locations, such as Canterbury, Bath, Dover, and Stratford-Upon-Avon, are all part of the London Semester.
  2. The Salzburg College Program allows students to study in Salzburg, Austria, under the instruction of European professors. While all instruction is in English, students must take a German-language course as part of their normal course load. This program especially appeals to business, social science, fine arts, and German language students although almost all majors can find suitable courses for their degree plans. Students may choose to live with Austrian families during their stay and have a two-week spring break to conduct personal travel. Students may study in Salzburg during Summer, Fall and Spring. Internships are also available.
  3. The Hong Kong Program allows students to study for a semester at Hong Kong Baptist University. A full range of courses is offered in English that will accommodate most majors. Students live in an International Student House on campus and participate fully in the life of the campus. Hong Kong is centrally located in the Southeast Asian region that affords easy travel to central China, Thailand, Singapore and Japan.
  4. Spanish Study at the University of Salamanca offers students the opportunity to study Spanish conversation and culture at the oldest university in Spain. Excursions are made to Madrid, Toledo, Segovia, and Sevilla.
  5. Australia: Macquarie University and Australian Catholic University. These Australian programs offer students a study abroad opportunity that is exciting and unique. Students may attend Macquarie or ACU either for the fall term, which begins in late February or the spring term, which begins in late July. Students may receive up to 12 credits toward their HSU degree from a wide variety of study fields. While attending ACU or Macquarie, students live in apartments near or on campus and have ample time for travel that may include not only the continent of Australia but the countries of New Zealand and Indonesia as well. Credit is by pass/fail only.
  6. Additional travel courses are frequently conducted to other countries including Israel, Greece, Indonesia, Lithuania, Costa Rica, and Ecuador. These courses are conducted by faculty members and change from year to year. Interested students should contact the International Studies Office early in the year to determine what courses are offered for any given year.

Special International Studies Scholarships are available for international studies upon receipt of an application for a program. Students may also choose to study in programs affiliated with the CCCU and CGE.

Credit By Examination

Hardin-Simmons University recognizes that many students may have attained college-level competencies in specific areas through advanced high school courses or work-related experiences prior to entering college. Students are therefore encouraged to consult the following information to determine whether they may be granted college credit based on their previous educational experiences.

General Regulations

There are five general regulations for earning credit by examination at Hardin-Simmons:

  1.  A student may earn a maximum of 42 semester credits through credit by examination with a maximum of 14 credits in any one major.
  2. No grade will be awarded for credit earned by examination, and those credits will not be counted in computing a student’s grade point average.
  3. Credit earned by examination will be awarded and entered on the student’s transcript only after the student is officially enrolled as a Hardin-Simmons University student.
  4. Credit by examination may not be earned for (a) any college level course in which the student is currently, or ever has been enrolled, whether for credit, non-credit, or audit, (b) any subject area in which the student has already earned credit for a more advanced course, or any course for which the student does not meet the prerequisites by the time of submission of scores. In cases of doubt as to eligibility for credit by exam, the head of the department involved and the dean of the appropriate college or school will make the final decision; (c) credit by exam may not be taken after the last date to register for a course during a students last semester before graduation.
  5. It is the student’s responsibility to have official test scores sent to the University Registrar to be considered for credit by examination. Transfer students wishing credit for examinations taken prior to admission at Hardin-Simmons University must also have official test scores sent to the University Registrar.

Departmental Examinations

Some departments whose courses are not adequately covered by either the Advanced Placement or College Level Examination Programs may participate in the program of credit by examination. Students may have the opportunity, to earn credit by departmental examination as well as through satisfactory scores on AP and CLEP examinations.

A student seeking credit by departmental examination should make written application through his/her advisor to the department involved at least one month before the examination. After consideration, the department will notify the student’s advisor of the acceptance or rejection of the application. Within ten days of administration of the examination the department will certify to the Registrar either “credit” or “no credit.”

The fee for a departmental examination for credit is indicated under Special Examination Fees.. This fee is to be paid or charged to the student’s account after the application has been approved and before the administration of the examination. The fee is not refundable.

Each participating department is free to determine the type of examination to be administered, whether standardized or prepared by the members of the department.

Academic areas participating in this program are biology, chemistry, computer science, finance, mathematics, physics, and the various departments of the School of Music and of the Logsdon School of Theology.

Occasionally a student may wish to begin work in a particular area with courses above the introductory level without receiving credit for the lower-level courses. A student seeking exemption from introductory-level courses should apply in writing to the department concerned prior to the registration period. The department will indicate the level at which the student will begin course work as determined by his/her previous experience and/or examination. Notice shall be given to the student’s advisor and the Office of the Registrar for the courses waived in this manner. NO CREDIT is given for such exemption.



Classification of students is based upon progress toward meeting degree requirements as follows:

 Credits Earned   Classification
0-29 Freshman
30-59 Sophomore
60-89 Junior
90 or above Senior

Explanation of Course Numbers

The course level or class is indicated by the first digit in the course number: 0-non-degree credit; 1-freshman; 2-sophomore; 3-junior; 4-senior; 5 or 6-postgraduate or graduate; 7 or 8 doctorial. The second digit indicates the semester hour value of the course (except music, nursing, and special topics courses). The third and fourth digits indicate the departmental sequencing of the course and make it a unique number within the department or subject area.

Example: ENGL 1301

ENGL Departmental abbreviation

1 Course level

3 Semester Credits

01 Departmental Sequence

Freshmen are not allowed to enroll in upper-division courses except under special circumstances.

The semester hour is the unit of course credit at HSU. Ordinarily, a semester hour credit is based upon one 50-minute class period or two or more hours in the laboratory/studio per week throughout a semester. Accordingly, a course carrying a credit value of three semester hours would ordinarily meet for three 50-minute periods each week or in two sessions of one and one-quarter hours each. The number of semester, class, and laboratory/studio hours is indicated by the numbers in parentheses following the title of each course. The first number indicates semester hours, the second class hours, and the third lab/studio hours. For example, a 4-semester hour course involving three hours of lecture, plus two hours of lab per week will show that information as (4-3-2). An X (4-3-X) in the lab space indicates a variable, optional, or field activity noted in the course description.

Course Level

Undergraduate courses that offer credit toward a degree are characterized as a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior-level course. A freshman-level course, indicated by a 1 as the first digit in the course number, is generally:

• An introductory course (or part of an introductory sequence) to the academic discipline,
• A course with no prerequisites,
• Suitable for students with no prior college-level coursework, and
• Listed at this level at other universities.

A sophomore-level course, indicated by a 2 as the first digit in the course number, is generally: • An introductory course (or part of an introductory sequence) to the academic discipline,
• A course with no prerequisites,
• Not suitable for students with no prior college-level coursework, and
• Listed at this level at other universities.

A junior-level course, indicated by a 3 as the first digit in the course number, generally:
• Has more depth and less breadth than introductory or survey courses,
• Has prerequisites that must be taken prior to enrolling in the course,
• Requires more academic sophistication than 2000-level course, perhaps because of graphic or sensitive material,
• Is populated primarily by students majoring or minoring in the discipline, and
• Is listed at this level at other universities.

A senior-level course, indicated by a 4 as the first digit in the course number, generally:
• Requires more reading or research than lower-level courses,
• Involves longer, more in-depth projects or papers,
• Has prerequisites that must be taken prior to enrolling in the course,
• Is populated exclusively by students majoring or minoring in the discipline, or nearly so, and
• Is listed at this level at other universities.

Academic Services


All degree requirements must be complete or in progress in the semester of graduation. Degrees are conferred three times per year following fall, spring and summer terms. Graduation ceremonies are held twice per year following fall and spring semesters. Students completing degree requirements in the summer will participate in the following fall ceremony.