Department of Communication

Head of Department

Dr. Steve Stogsdill


HSU Box 16145


Steven P. Stogsdill, Ph.D., Associate Professor



The learning objectives for the Strategic Communication degree in the Department of Communication are for the student to become proficient in writing, mass media literacy, advertising, public speaking, political communication, and building a career portfolio in an integrated course of study involving each faculty member. Students will engage in the application of theory in professional settings for a rapidly changing world of communication.


All Department of Communication majors and minors are eligible to enroll in COMM 4389, Communication Internship, during the junior or senior year. Plans for an internship should be made with a communication advisor in advance of the semester in which the student wishes to do the internship.

Portfolio Requirement for Graduation

During the junior or senior year, the student majoring in communication must enroll in COMM 4310, Digital Portfolio. At the beginning of the senior year the student majoring in communication must present a portfolio of work completed in the department. This presentation may be added to during the senior year of study with the consultation provided by the student’s advisor and other members of the communication faculty.