CSD 4471 Clinical Internship

CClinical practice in procedures and treatment of speech, language, and hearing disorders/delays under the supervision of certified speech-language pathologists and oraudiologists. Prerequisites: CSD 3354, 3359,3361, 4352. Co-requisites: CSD 4272. At least nine hours of required Communication Sciences and Disorders courses must have been completed at HSU; grade-point average of 3.0 in required in CSD courses; personal treatment of any speech-language, hearing or related disorders identified during Communication Sciences and Disorders courses; and the permission of the department chair. May require a background check, drug screen, immunizations, and other items deemed necessary by the internship site. May be repeated for credit.




CSD 3354 , CSD 3359 , CSD 3361


CSD 4352

Session Cycle Description
