
Office of Enrollment Services

2200 Hickory, Box 16050

Abilene, TX 79698


Hardin-Simmons University information can be reached by calling 325-670-1000.

Correspondence and telephone inquiries should be addressed to the following offices and individuals at Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene, Texas 79698

Academic Advising
Mrs. Gracie Carroll 670-1480 Box 16052
Academic Affairs
Dr. Chris McNair 670-1720 Box 16200
Academic Records
Mrs. Kacey Higgins 670-1200 Box 16190
Mr. Travis Seekins
670-1276 Box 16050
Alumni Relations
Dr. Heather Hadlock 670-1143 Box 16102
 Athletics Dr. John Neese 670-1273 Box 16185
Student Ministries
Mr. Manny Silva 670-1256 Box 16160
Mr. Ash Wright
670-1850 Box 16100
Career Services
Mr. Myles Lofland 670-1964 Box 16090
Dean of Students
Mr. Rode Owen
671-1830 Box 16150
Financial Aid
Mrs. Monica Smart 670-1010 Box 16050
Financial Gifts
Mr. Ash Wright
670-1850 Box 16100
Financial Information
Mr.Danny Hassett
670-1508 Box 16005
Graduate Admissions
Mrs. Sarah Gonzales
670-1852 Box 16070
International Studies
Dr. Allan Landwer 670-5894 Box 16165
Residence Halls
Ms. Kelly Eason
670-1177 Box 16076
Student Accounts
Ms. Courtney Spoon 670-1106 Box 16010
Student Life
Mr. Rode Owen 670-1830 Box 16150
 Veterans Affairs
Ms. Cheyenne Silva
670-1811 Box 16190


Hardin-Simmons University offers complete equality of opportunity to all qualified students without regard to race, creed, color, sex, age, national origin, handicap or genetic information.

Release of Student Information

Regulations regarding the release of student information is printed in the Student Handbook [Federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. 1232g; 34 CFR part 99).