Academic Probation

Students who’s overall GPA is less than the appropriate levels indicated are placed on academic probation.

 Semester Credits Attempted at HSU  Required G.P.A.
12-32 1.60
33-48 1.80
49 or more 2.00

Students on academic probation are enrolled in the university's Strategic Learning Initiative until their cumulative grade point average rises to 2.0 or above.

Students on academic and/or disciplinary probation are subject to the following policy limiting their extracurricular activities.

  1. A student on probation may not represent the University in activities for which he/she is not registered for credit. This includes, but is not limited to, such activities as intercollegiate contests, off-campus religious programs, student publications, music productions, drama productions, pledging, or active membership in social clubs. Official representation of HSU is defined as participation in any activity under the name of the University, under the direction, supervision or sponsorship of any University area. It is not necessary that an administrator, faculty, or staff member be present during the activity for it to be official for the purposes of this definition or for implementation of this policy. Authorized use of a University vehicle automatically makes the activity an official one.
  2. No participant in any class for which he/she is registered for credit shall be prohibited from taking field trips.
  3. A student on probation may participate in tours and other such activities if credit for the course is dependent on participation in that activity. The student must receive prior written approval from all other instructors.

One significant purpose of this policy is to protect the study time of the student on probation and to control absenteeism from regular class work. The policy shall apply within a term during which the probationary student is enrolled.