Statement of Purpose

Hardin-Simmons University, a church-related institution affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas:

  1. Fosters the intellectual development of students by providing an academically challenging undergraduate education based upon a liberal arts foundation and advances scholarly growth by offering specialized graduate and professional degree programs.
  2. Academic excellence continues as a priority at Hardin-Simmons University as it has for more than a century. The core curriculum involves students in a broad range of inquiry relating general studies with requirements of the chosen major. Graduate programs broaden the scope of learning in scientific and professional disciplines and encourage students to regard learning as a lifelong process. Small classes taught by experienced scholars give the opportunity for interactive learning. The institution’s commitment to excellence is best illustrated through the lives of graduates who traditionally have excelled in a wide variety of fields.
  3. Affirms the relevance and importance of the Christian faith for life in the contemporary world by maintaining a clear identification with and loyalty to the Christian faith and functioning within the context of historic Baptist values and principles.
  4. Founded in 1891 by a determined group of ministers, ranchers, and merchants, Hardin- Simmons University established dual goals of developing the mind and nurturing the spiritual life of its students. That commitment to encourage growth in faith and knowledge has remained central. Believing academic excellence and Christian faith to be complementary, the university emphasizes the need for interaction between faith and reason.
  5. Encourages individuals to lead lives of service through active involvement in intellectual, cultural, and religious life, both on the campus and in the larger communities of Abilene and the world.

Although Western in tradition, the university takes pride in the cosmopolitan nature of its students, faculty, and staff, and encourages the development of an international perspective. Through its leadership in providing intellectual, spiritual, cultural, and social opportunities, the university serves as catalyst for the advancement and enrichment of its students and the community. (Approved, Board of Trustees, September 16, 1992)