ENVM 3312 Environmental Ethics

A study of the ethical principles and values that are relevant in examining the moral relationship between humans and environment. Will include consideration of ethical positions to defend actions on the environment from several perspectives, including anthropocentrism, ecocentrism, individualism, and Christian biblical and theological traditions. The value implications of ecological principles and concepts will be examined. The ecological teachings and environmental ethics from non-Western world views will be examined. The ecological teachings and environmental ethics from non-Western world views will be surveyed. Course will emphasize the development of the ability to articulate and defend one's own views about the environmental ethics and to constructively criticize the views of others through discourse and writing. May be used to fulfill the humanities requirement of the foundational curriculum; not intended to fulfill the science requirements of the foundational curriculum.



Either Corequisite or Prerequisite

Sophomore Classification Required

Session Cycle Description

Spring Session