The Foundational Curriculum Courses

Requirements of the Foundational Curriculum


Oral and Written Communication (9 credit hours)

Speech Communication (3 credit hours; 1 course)

  COMM 1301 Speech Communication

Written Communication (6 credit hours; 2 courses)

  ENGL 1301 Freshman Writing I

  ENGL 1302 Freshman Writing II

  ENGL 3300 Writing as Discovery

Humanities (18 credit hours)

History and/or Philosophy (6 credit hours; 2 courses)

Sophomore Literature (3 credit hours; 1 course)

  ENGL 2300 Literature Survey

 Fine Arts (3 credits hours)

  Art, Music, or Theatre

Biblical/Christian Studies (6 credit hours; 2 courses)

  BIBL 1301 Old Testament Survey

BIBL 1302 New Testament Survey

RELI 2345 The Religious & Philosophical Life

Social Sciences (6 credit hours)

Economics, Political Science, Psychology, and/or Sociology (6 credit hours; 2 courses)

Natural Sciences (7 credit hours)

Life Science (3 credit hours; 1 course)

Biology or Environmental Science

Physical Science (3 credit hours; 1 course)

Chemistry, Geology, Physical Science, or Physics

Science Lab (1 credit hour; 1 course)

One credit hour lab for either science course

Mathematics (3 credit hours)

Math course as required by major (3credit hours; 1 course)

Physical Wellness (2 credit hours)

KINE 1170 Wellness for Life (1 credit hour; 1 course)

KINE activity course (1 credit hour; 1 course - may include varsity sport, drill team, Cowboy Band, and choreography)