EDUC 3330 Foundations of Learning and Development

EDUC 3330 Foundations of Learning andDevelopment For teacher education majors only - may be taken without formal admission in the Irvin School of Education Teacher Preparation Program. The coursewill give students the opportunity to critically examine theory and research related to the developmental processes that encompass all areas of learning. Foundational theories in the domainsof cognitive, physical, behavioral, and social-emotional developmental will be addressed, with emphasis on the familial, socioeconomic, and other cultural influences that form the context ofa learner's development. Students will use various strategies of exploration, observation, discussion, and problem solving to enhance their understanding of learners, the learning process, and the learning environment within each of the theoretical foundations discussed. Students will complete a fifteen-hour field experience as part of overall the course requirements. Per the undergraduate catalog: "No student is eligible to be recommended for certification if he/she has a grade of D or unsatisfactory in his/her area(s) ofpreparation/teaching field(s), EDUC 3330, or in any course in pedagogy and professional development."




Sophomore Classification Required

Session Cycle Description

Fall and Spring