Grading System

Grades in graduate courses indicate performance with respect to the quality of work at the graduate level. Please note that only graduate level courses are included in the graduate grade point average (GPA). Accordingly, students in graduate courses should be aware that grades are based upon more stringent criteria than those for undergraduate courses. Possible grades are:

Grade* Explanation Grade (Quality) Points
A   Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Fair 2
D Poor 1
F Unacceptable 0
I Incomplete
IP In Progress
W Withdrew 0
CR Credit
NC No Credit

*A student who earns a grade of D or F will be placed on academic probation

Grades of I and IP

A student who has substantially completed a course but is lacking certain essentials of performance, due to circumstances beyond his/her control, may be given a grade of I. To obtain a grade in the course, the student must complete all requirements specified by the instructor by the end of the next long semester (fall or spring) following the date the grade was assigned. Failure to complete the requirements by this time will result in a grade of F.

The grade of IP is available only when, by design, course work extends beyond the semester or term in which the course is scheduled. This grade implies satisfactory progress and is used primarily in internship, travel, and individual research courses. A grade of IP is not counted as an attempt in calculating grade point average and will convert to a grade of F after five years.

Statute of Limitations on Changes in an Academic Record

The statute of limitations for any change in an academic record is one year from the date of the closing of the semester in question. Included are such items as grade changes and incompletes. Note: No student may graduate with an I or IP grade on his/her transcript. Any grade change must be reported to the Registrar’s Office at least two weeks prior to the end of the semester of graduation. It is the responsibility of a candidate for graduation to complete any course in which an Incomplete or In Progress grade was given in sufficient time for the faculty member to grade the student’s work.

Grades of CR and NC

The grade of CR is given for Thesis, Thesis Renewal, and Professional Project. CR denotes satisfactory progress as determined by the instructor or thesis advisor.

The grade of NC is given for selected courses such as Thesis and Thesis Renewal. NC denotes no credit due to lack of satisfactory progress as determined by the instructor or thesis advisor.

Note: CR and NC do not count in calculating the student’s grade point average.

Class Attendance

Students, whether present or absent, are responsible for all material presented in or assigned for courses, and will be held accountable for such material in the determination of course grades. Absences for athletic or school related participation are counted as any other absence, and all absences, whether athletic-related or not, should not exceed 25% of the class meetings and/or laboratory sessions scheduled for a course. Regular and punctual attendance, therefore, is expected and essential to success in a course.

Accordingly, absence from more than 25% of class meetings and/or laboratory sessions scheduled for a course (including absences because of athletic participation) is regarded as excessive, and a grade of F may be assigned as deemed appropriate by the professor.

Grade Reports

Grade reports are posted on HSU Central at the close of each semester and at the end of each summer term.

Withdrawal During a Semester

A student who finds it necessary to withdraw from the university before the end of the semester must secure the proper form for withdrawal through the Office of the Registrar. The form requires approval by the Business and Financial Aid Offices. If procedure is not followed, the student is automatically assigned a grade of F in all courses. However, no student may withdraw after the last date of withdrawal specified in the academic calendar.

Acceptable Academic Progress

(Criteria for acceptable academic progress may be superseded by program-specific guidelines. Please see individual programs for details.) In order to maintain acceptable academic progress, graduate students must maintain a 3.0 grade point average in all graduate work (when courses are repeated, only the most recent grade will be used to calculate grade points and semester hours) and may not obtain a grade of D or F in any graduate course. Should any of these situations occur, the student will be placed on academic probation.

Financial Aid has requirements regarding minimum completion of hours. Withdrawal from a course (or courses) will affect the student’s eligibility for financial aid in subsequent semesters.

Academic Probation

When placed on academic probation, the student’s graduate advisory committee must consider the student’s potential for successful completion of the program and make a recommendation to the provost. A student may not be graduated while on academic probation. To return to good academic standing, the student must satisfy the dictates of their graduate advisory committee and possess a GPA of 3.0 or better.

Grade Appeal Process

A student, who believes that the grading policy for a class has been unfairly administered, resulting in a course grade lower than expected, has the right to appeal the professor’s decision on the grade. The following process is for appealing a course grade only, not for grades on individual projects or tests.

For an appeal to be considered valid, each of the following steps must be taken in the order listed.

  1. Discuss the matter with the professor. If at all possible, the matter is reconciled at this point.
  2. If dissatisfied with this discussion, the student voices the concern to the program director in a conference scheduled by the student. The program director discusses the matter with the professor; another attempt is made to reconcile the matter. (If the professor is the program director, proceed to step three).
  3. If the issue is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student submits a formal, written appeal to the dean of the academic area. The following must be included in the graduate student’s appeal:
    1. A cover letter requesting reconsideration of the grade.
    2. A straightforward narrative (one to three pages) detailing the circumstances surrounding the contested grades, with special emphasis given to reasons why the student believes the grade is unwarranted.
    3. All graded projects in the class (tests, essays, projects, etc.) that are in the student’s possession.
    4. The student’s personal record of attendance in the class.
  4. The program director forwards a recommendation on the matter to the dean of the academic area upon notification that the student has filed a grievance.
  5. In writing, the dean of the academic area formally apprises the professor of the student’s grievance and gives a summary of the points of concern.
  6. The professor submits to the dean of the academic area a written response, which includes the projects in the professor’s possession, grades on all work done in the course, and a copy of the class syllabus with the contested policy highlighted.
  7. The dean of the academic area will meet with each party separately and may schedule a joint appointment with the two parties in order to attempt a solution.

Petitions for exceptions to academic policies, other than for grade appeals, may only be made in writing to the provost. The provost, in consultation with members of the Graduate Council, will make the final determination. No petitions will be considered from students on academic probation or suspension with a GPA below 3.0.

If the student feels that additional appeal is necessary, then the last line of appeal is to the Graduate Studies Grievance Committee. The grievance committee is appointed by the Graduate Council.